It all fell into place

I met her in my last days of campus. As opposed to my friends who were looking forward to finishing school; I was a bundle of nerves. I needed to know what will happen next. How will I get a job? Will I stand on my feet or I will still depend on my parents. Maybe it is because I love being in control. She was one of the few people who seemed happy with life. Happily married, and wanted to actually blog about happy marriages. I found it strange that happy marriages did exist.

I asked for guidance from her because I would not have minded to be in her position. Somewhere in my head I thought she would say the normal stuff. Get good grades and put yourself out there. To my surprise; all she said was that everything would fall into place. She was right; everything fell into place.

Because of her (Wanjiru Kihusa) I can stay sane and embrace the unknown. I live in the moment and do my best everyday. In the end everything falls into place.

Author: Caroline

I am a work in progress.

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